(Please see the publications page for a full list)
Tebyani, M., Spaeth, A., Cramer, N., & Teodorescu, M. (2023). A Geometric Kinematic Model for Flexible Voxel-Based Robots. Soft Robotics, 10(3), 517-526.
Abstract—Voxel-based structures provide a modular, mechanically flexible periodic lattice, which can be used as a soft robot through internal deformations. To engage these structures for robotic tasks, we use a finite element method to characterize the motion caused by deforming single degrees of freedom and develop a reduced kinematic model. We find that nodes of the periodic lattice move in patterns along geometric planes, primarily along translational degrees of freedom. The resulting kinematic model frames the structural deformations in terms of user-defined control and end-effector nodes, which further reduces the model size. The derived Planes of Motion model can be equivalently used for forward and inverse kinematics, as demonstrated by the design of a voxel-based robotic gripper, and an in-depth design of a voxel-based robotic locomotor. The locomotive robot follows a tripod stable gait and the quasi-static model is validated with physical experiments. |
Tebyani M., Robbins A., Asper W., Kurniawan S., Teodorescu M., Wang Z. & Hirai S. “3D Printing an Assembled Biomimetic Robotic Finger”. In International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR). IEEE, (2020)
Abstract—We present a novel approach for fabricating tendon-driven robotic systems. Particularly, we show that a biomimetic finger featuring accurate bone geometry, liga- ment structures, and visco-elastic tendons can be synthesized as a single part using a mutli-material printer. This fabri- cation method eliminates the need to construct an interface between the rigid skeletal structure and tendon system. The artificial muscle required to drive the printed tendons of the finger can also be printed in place. This lays the groundwork for a new robotics design approach, where the structural and actuation components are manufactured at the same time. |
Spaeth A., Tebyani M., Haussler D. & Teodorescu M. “Neuromorphic closed-loop control of a flexible modular robot by a simulated spiking central pattern generator”. In IEEE Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft). IEEE, (2020)
Abstract—We propose a minimal yet highly biomimetic hierarchical controller based on a neuromorphic spiking central pattern generator (CPG) consisting of twelve simulated neurons modulated by sensory feedback. The robotic application of this controller is a flexible modular robot which uses 4 DC linear actuators to morph its structure and achieve a crawling gait. Additional behaviors, or adaption of the controller to a different flexible robotic configuration, can be achieved by additional independent “neural modules” consisting of spiking neurons.
Jung, E., Ly, V., Buderi, A., Appleton, E., & Teodorescu, M. “Design and Selection of Muscle Excitation Patterns for Modeling a Lower Extremity Joint Inspired Tensegrity”. In Third IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC) (pp. 282-287). IEEE. (2019)
Abstract— We propose a tensegrity-inspired design that em- ulates human lower extremity musculoskeletal connections as a network of rigid and tensile elements. Anatomical combinations of bones and muscles within joints provide structural stability, and manipulate configurations to maintain a standing position or enter a squat-like descent. We validated the predictions of our mathematical model with a computer simulation and a physical prototype. Bio-inspired joints controlled by muscle excitation patterns offers possibilities to revolutionize the innate flexibility within artificial limbs and future assistive devices. |
Jung E., Ly V., Cessna N., Ngo L., Castro D., SunSpiral V. and Teodorescu M. (2018, May). “Bio-inspired Tensegrity Flexural Joints”, ICRA 2018 – IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Bris- bane, Australia May, 21-25 (2018)
Abstract— Most robotics literature model the human’s knee and hip as a revolute joint with limited range of rotation. Although somehow close to reality, this approach neglects a critical aspect of these joints, which is their internal flexibility. This paper presents a prototype tensegrity flexural ma- nipulator whose kinematic behavior is inspired by human leg’s gait. This prototype, which considers a hybrid (flexible- rigid) structure of the knee and hip would be able to better approximate real behavior and hopefully lead to a better design of artificial (prosthetic) knees and hips. The behavior of the proposed tensegrity manipulator was firstly predicted using OpenSim simulation environment. The paper reports the comparisons between the simulations, physi- cal prototypes and human leg behavior for a variety of ranges of motions and tension analysis. |
SCramer N., Tebyani M., Stone K., Cellucci D., Cheung K.C., Swei S. and Teodorescu M. (2017 September) “Design and Testing of FERVOR: FlexiblE and Reconfigurable Voxel-based Robot”, In the 2017 IEEE/RSJ In- ternational Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017), September 24-28, Vancouver, Canada, (2017)
Abstract— We propose a flexible, reconfigurable robot which achieves rectilinear locomotion by coupling structural deforma- tion and directional friction promoting a locomotion strategy ideal for traversing narrow channels. The robot uses two linear actuators to generate structural waves, which propagate through the robot lifting and changing the direction of motion of the contact points (feet) between the robot and ground. The reconfigurations of the robot allow different structural waveforms to alter the robot’s gait. The paper describes the modular lattice structure used to build the robot; the finite element modeling approach used to understand the structural deformation induced by the linear actuators as well as the experimental validation of the prototype robot. |